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The digital workforce, automating job activities, and everything else mentioned in this research are mostly concepts. Although the technology exists to implement this technology on some levels it would require years of testing and refining before it became remotely viable for replacing people in jobs. That being said, from all the research mentioned above (and more) it is a common trend to see mentions of high levels of investment into various fields of research and development for AI and quantum computing, the two technological cornerstones of a digital workforce. This combined with the multitude of benefits for business and quality of life for consumers an automated workforce, although not yet widely implemented, should be looked at asking “when”, not “if” it will happen.


It is difficult to draw conclusions on something which is entirely speculative about how effectively these technologies can be implemented in the future, or whether we will reach a capacity in our understanding of the area to achieve a mostly digital workforce, but before the invention of electricity I’m almost certain most people would never of considered the idea a possibility. Because of this it is best to prepare, work will not disappear off the face of the planet as a result of automating many job activities, but the nature of work will, and it will be the responsibility of both employers and employees to adapt and re-train to adapt to these changes and remain relevant as the world of occupations changes around them.


Bughin, J., Lund, S. and Remes, J. (2016). Rethinking work in the digital age. [online] McKinsey & Company. Available at:


Chui, M., Manyika, J. and Miremadi, M. (2015). Four fundamentals of workplace automation. [ebook] McKinsey&Company. Available at:


Dorsey, B. (2017). Machine Learning: A Journey Towards General-Purpose Algorithms. [Blog] BrangerBriz. Available at:


Grueger, D. and White, N. (2017). Managing The Digital Workforce. [ebook] Deloitte. Available at:


Manyika, J. (2017). A Future That Works: AI, Automation, Employment, And Productivity. [ebook] McKinsey&Company. Available at:


Marr, B. (2017). What Is Quantum Computing? A Super-Easy Explanation For Anyone. [Blog] Forbes. Available at:

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